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之前雅虎域名在今年10月3日将域名价格从$1.95上调到$3.95着实让人伤心了一把,不过今天便宜米吧为大家带来一个好消息就是:原本促销到今年年底的雅虎$3.95域名现在延迟一年时间,域名促销活动截止到2011年12月31日。 虽然说曾经雅虎$1.95域名时代江西南昌癫痫专科,雅虎弄个域名特价活动向后延长一年这一招不新鲜。但是雅虎域名自今年10月3日确确实实的涨价之后天津治疗癫痫病医院,大家原本对于雅虎将在今年年底结束域名促销还是深信不疑的。并且综合大家最近在雅虎注册域名总是掉,加上雅虎的裁员,不少朋友都纷纷怀疑雅虎是不是真的挺不下去了。不过事实还是再一次向我们证明:瘦死的骆驼比马大。雅虎还是很给力,域名活动继续! 附雅虎官方说明:Offer open only to new Yahoo! Domains customers purchasing a new web domain through Yahoo! Small Business. Offer expires 12/31/2011. Discount applies only to the first year of service. Limit one offer per customer on a single account for customer s own purchase only. Offer may not be combined with other offers or discounts, transferred, exchanged, or redeemed for cash. Other terms and conditions apply; see the Yahoo继发性癫痫遗传吗! Small Business Terms of Service when you sign up. Yahoo! expressly reserves the right to change the price or features of these services at its sole discretion anytime 雅虎优惠域名注册链接: 文章来源:


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